Portfolio Management
Actively Mitigating Commodity Risk
URICA Energy Management (UEM) works with energy consumers and producers to protect against commodity-associated price risks that can impact business profitability. Our established approach to Portfolio Management is based on discipline, proactive planning, and ongoing monitoring.
Proficient Monitoring of all Major Energy Commodities
Whatever your commodity, we proactively monitor any changes in your energy consumption/generation, exposure to price risk, sources of physical supply, and contractual obligations. This allows us to protect you against commodity market volatility – and turn risk into opportunity.
URICA works with clients to build a strategic plan that will clearly identify options to produce the highest returns OR stabilize consumption costs — all while reducing exposure to market risk.
Energy Commodity Positions
Portfolio management begins with developing a firm understanding of your commodity position. Whether you are long or short on electricity, natural gas, or any other energy commodity, URICA uses an integrated approach to direct your energy portfolio with greater insight and discipline.
We implement best-practice policies and processes to effectively address the physical supply and price risk of underlying commodity exposure, resulting in flexibility to manage and control expenses. Our commodity position management is tailored to each client’s business model and unique needs.
Carbon Positions
Industrial entities in Canada are required to manage their carbon emissions under the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (GGPPA) implemented through the Output-Based Pricing System Regulations (OBPS). In Alberta, emissions are handled through the Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction Regulation (TIER) with Carbon Offsets and Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs).
URICA’s comprehensive carbon emission services include:
- Quantifying Carbon Exposure
- Assessing Emission Standards
- Introducing Methods to Manage Physical and Financial Exposure
- Establishing an Action Plan
- Executing Competitive Position Coverage Auctions (long or short)
- Ongoing Reporting
We Manage Both Sides of the Carbon Offset Equation
Whether you need to buy offsets or have a surplus to sell, URICA will work to connect you with a prospective counterparty through our extensive network. Simply let us know the quantity, term, and your bid or offer price. Our team can assist in negotiations, enablement, papering the transaction and all other aspects of the purchase and sale or ongoing position management.
Procurement & Hedging
What sets URICA apart is our ability to directly access the OTC trading and wholesale forward markets to seek viable indicative bids and executable transactions.
By leveraging our counterparty relationships and contract knowledge, we can negotiate competitive prices to economically maximize your energy position.
As an active participant in the market, we continuously monitor price movements and trends and can identify favorable price opportunities for our clients. Because URICA does not hold our own energy positions, this ensures no conflicts of interest in your supply procurement process.
Policy & Documentation
URICA supports your organization’s understanding of energy risk. We provide structure and tangibility to your energy management and help you create corporate policy, documented processes, and performance reporting to match your energy goals. This way, any unfavorable business event risk can be mitigated through concrete policy that has been pre-approved and controlled by your organization’s management.
Your Portfolio. Our Priority.
Meet with a URICA Portfolio Manager to discuss how we enhance the value and maximize the stability of your portfolio.