Maximizing Energy Asset Profitability
URICA Asset Optimization (UAO) helps you maximize your energy asset profitability per megawatt-hour. Our objective is to improve your return on investment by strategically managing the commercial value of power assets and executing on customized power management solutions.
Thermal Fuel Facility
Energy Source
Battery Energy Storage System
Profitable, Cost-Effective Strategies
By assessing the possibilities available for each unique asset, we help you build a custom commercial optimization program. URICA can effectively show you how to balance your exposure to more favorable and economical opportunities.
- Identification & Quantification
- Understanding Exposure Risk
- Determination of Required Risk Management
- Program Execution
URICA provides the most advantageous strategies to optimize your energy asset – and bring greater value to your bottom line.
Energy-Focused Asset Optimization
Involved in a strict energy play? URICA Asset Optimization can align your facility operations with strategic energy offer block submissions in the market. Energy offer levels are strategically submitted based on market conditions, competitive factors, commercial objectives, cost base, existing offers, and standing offers.
URICA has a pulse on the drivers of the energy commodity market and that knowledge translates to helping you maximize commodity gross margin, whether that be electricity–electricity or natural gas–electricity.
You won’t find a partner who is more proficient at directing your energy submissions, enabling competitive intelligence, proprietary tactics, and strategic placement of offers… in all relevant timeframes.
Ancillary Services & Operating Reserves
Facilities that can rapidly increase generation or reduce load on short notice are opportunely positioned to access the Ancillary Services and Operating Reserve market. URICA Asset Optimization helps clients take advantage of incentive programs in participant markets designed to manage system supply and demand based on scheduling and contingencies.
We trade and sell options on behalf of clients for all available Operating Reserve products. Procurement through URICA is executed on a day-ahead basis.
Our trading strategy is based on:
- Performance Objectives
- Approved Volume and Pricing Limits
- Facility Operational Availability
Peak Demand Management
Escalating transmission costs are a sizable concern to electricity entities and require an active strategy to generate or shed load at peak demand periods. If your facility qualifies, URICA’s Peak Demand Forecasting can activate your generation asset to maximize credits earned.
Our proactive Peak Demand Monitoring and Notification Service allows our clients to pre-emptively integrate facility output with current operational strategies and asset optimization programs.
Alberta: Coincidental Peak Demand (CPD) or Coincidental Metered Demand (CMD) events tie directly to distributed generation credits and transmission costs.
Ontario: Class A customers can reduce their Global Adjustment charges if they can reduce their consumption during the five peak demand hours of the year.
ISO Participant Programs
Independent System Operators (ISOs) offer a diverse palette of incentive programs to help balance the grid: each with its own prerequisites and eligibility criteria.
Let URICA Asset Optimization assess your facility suitability, validate eligibility, and help you qualify your generation asset for ISO participant programs. Our experts can notify you of any upcoming Requests for Proposals (RFP), implementation, compliance, placement strategy, ongoing management, and performance monitoring.
Let us help you apply for the following programs in Alberta:
- Transmission Must Run (TMR)
- Dispatch Down Service (DDS)
- Load Shed Service for Imports (LSSi)
- Fast Frequency Response (FFR)
Battery Energy Storage System Optimization
As cutting-edge, grid-scale BESS installations become a crucial part of the supply mix, URICA Asset Optimization has developed proprietary, first-hand expertise in the commercial operation of BESS projects. We work closely with our clients, ISO, and technology partners to ensure eligibility, market integration, and optimal operation.
Our pioneering, best-in-class commercial strategies have been created to maximize profitability while efficiently managing the complexities of charging and discharging for battery energy storage technology.
The Right Plan. The Right Timing.
The Right Partner.
Let us show you how and where you have opportunities to maximize returns.